On the implementation of the green deal policy in Ukraine

(For the Agricultural Sector during wartimes)





Agricultural sector, Climate Change, European integration, Green Deal policy


Purpose: to conduct a comprehensive study of the process of Ukraine's European integration into the European Union by amending national legislation in order to adopt and adapt the Green Deal policy and its provisions to Ukrainian realities, especially for the agricultural sector.

Research methods: general (analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction) and special research methods (system-functional, formal-logical, formal-legal) were used in combination.

Results: The article analyzes and studies the legal acts regulating the process of Ukraine's European integration and the fulfillment of its commitments in the field of ecology and EU support for achieving climate neutrality. Successful implementation of the Green Deal policy in Ukrainian legislation requires a comprehensive approach that considers legal aspects. Therefore, these aspects should be addressed in cooperation with international partners who are experienced in successful implementation of such reforms.

Discussion: In the context of the current challenges of the climate crisis and the need for transition to a sustainable economy, the Green Deal policy is becoming a key tool for ensuring environmental sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As it supports the basic principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which were introduced to create a greener living environment. However, the implementation of this policy in laws of Ukraine faces numerous practical problems and requires improvement of legal base (laws) in many areas. Therefore, this includes the adoption of new laws and regulations, the creation of financial support mechanisms, regulation of emissions, and the promotion of innovation. Only with an appropriate legislative framework Ukraine will be able to effectively implement the principles of sustainable development and join the pan-European efforts to deal with Climate Change.

Author Biographies

Iryna Sopilko, Faculty of Law of the National Aviation University of Ukraine, Kyiv

Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Law of the National Aviation University of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Nataliya Zhmur, Faculty of Law of the National Aviation University of Ukraine, Kyiv

PhD in Law, Lecturer of of Agrarian and land law and of Environmental law at the Faculty of Law of the National Aviation University of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Manuel David Masseno, Polytechnic University of Beja

Professor of Business Law and Agricultural Contracts of the Polytechnic University of Beja, Portugal. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8861-0337. E-mail address: masseno@ipbeja.pt.


For the Objectives, the Policies and the Legislative Framework of the European Green Deal, including Agriculture, the European Commission created and updates continuously this Page: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en

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How to Cite

SOPILKO, Iryna; ZHMUR, Nataliya; MASSENO, Manuel David. On the implementation of the green deal policy in Ukraine: (For the Agricultural Sector during wartimes). ESG Studies Review, São Paulo (SP), v. 7, n. esg, p. e01617, 2024. DOI: 10.37497/esg.v7iesg.1617. Disponível em: https://esgstudiesreview.org/convergencias/article/view/1617. Acesso em: 15 oct. 2024.

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